

GCH CH Luxe All You Can Eat Spaghetti RN JH OA NAJ OF CGC TKP SD NRD VX

Noodle's Pedigree

GCH CH Luxe All You Can Eat Spaghetti RN JH OA NAJ OF CGC TKP SD NRD VX GCh Camelot's Luxe Winter's Waltz CH Camelot's I'm A Travelin' Man GCHP Doc N' Camelot's Heaven Can Wait BROM GCHS Camelot's Knockin' On Heaven's Door Ch Camelot's Main Attraction
Ch Camelot's Happy Times
CH Silver Cloud's Grand Contessa BROM CH Camelot's Go For The Gold BROM FROM
CH Smoky City High And Mighty
CH Camelot's N' Watchpoint Temptation CH Camelot's Main Attraction DUAL CH Camelot's Desert Fox SH SDX NRD VX
CH Camelot's Star Attraction BROM
CH Camelot N Watchpoint's Legacy CH Camelot's Marathon Man BROM
CH Camelot's Moonlite Becomes You
CH Camelot's Diggin' The Dancing Queen CH Camelot's The Fed Express GCHP Doc N' Camelot's Heaven Can Wait BROM GCHS Camelot's Knockin' On Heaven's Door
CH Silver Cloud's Grand Contessa BROM
CH Camelot's She's Priceless BROM CH Camelot's Marathon Man BROM
CH Camelot's U Take My Breath Away
CH Camelot's Can't Trumph Ivana BROM GCHS Camelot's Knockin' On Heaven's Door BROM Ch Camelot's Main Attraction
Ch Camelot's Happy Times
CH Camelot's Giavanna CH Camelot's Go For The Gold BROM FROM
CH Camelot's Any Day Now
GCH Camelot's Gidget Is The One For Me JH Ch Camelot's The Fed Express GCHP Doc N' Camelot's Heaven Can Wait BROM GCHS Camelot's Knockin' On Heaven's Door Ch Camelot's Main Attraction
Ch Camelot's Happy Times
CH Silver Cloud's Grand Contessa BROM CH Camelot's Go For The Gold BROM FROM
CH Smoky City High And Mighty
Ch Camelot's She's Priceless BROM CH Camelot's Marathon Man BROM CH Camelot's Up To Par
CH Camelot's Star Attraction BROM
CH Camelot's U Take My Breath Away CH Camelot's Go For The Gold BROM FROM
Camelot's La Femme Nikita
CH Camelot's Chorus Girl GCHS Camelot's Knockin' On Heaven's Door Ch Camelot's Main Attraction DUAL CH Camelot's Desert Fox SH SDX NRD VX
CH Camelot's Star Attraction BROM
Ch Camelot's Happy Times CH Camelot's Simply The Best
CH Camelot's Happily Everafter
CH Camelot's Serendipity CH Camelot's Stop 2 Smell Th\'Roses CH Camelot's Marathon Man BROM
CH Camelot's They Call The Wind
CH Camelot's Swing Time CH Camelot's Go For The Gold BROM FROM
CH Camelot's Swing Time
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